(Trigger Warning) (For Educational Purposes)
They say Rome wasn't built in a day, but I'm convinced my weight loss journey has consisted of building 8 Romes. Anyone else with me?
Round 7 was different though. I was excited that I started seeing and feeling the pounds come off one by one.
Believe it or not, I actually looked forward to going to the gym, and weighing myself. That's how confident I was in my methods.
But let's clear this up real quick, just because it was "working" doesn't mean it was healthy. In fact, I think it's incredibly easy to lose weight - if you go about it incorrectly.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying my methods now are the golden standard, but they work, and they're right.
Don't believe me? The proof is in the comparison.
Let's compare the first time I "successfully" lost weight, to where I am at now, and how I had to nearly start over.
The first time:
I cut calories, going into a calorie deficit by doin the "math" based off my weekly exercise, and my goal weight.
It takes 3,500 calories to burn 1 pound of fat. The easiest way to do this is to watch what you eat, and burn off what you can... or at least that was my mentality.
I was tired and sluggish. Every time I stood up I got so light headed I felt like I was going to pass out - and maybe this is TMI but going to the bathroom wasn't fun either.
During my 7th attempt at building my own Rome, my weight loss journey seemed to have plateaued about 6 months into it. I was stuck. I could not get the number on the scale to move. I worked out harder. I ate less.
And all it did was halt my progress, and hurt me more.
Our bodies need food with vitamins, minerals, proteins, and even fats and carbs!
Surprise, my body wasn't being fueled properly, so I wasn't functioning properly! I ate to lose weight. I worked out to lose weight.
When all I needed to do was:
eat to fuel my body
exercise to get stronger, and become healthier
How did this really effect my body?
- Everyday I pulled 3 or 4 handfuls of hair - and I know what you're thinking, yes I have a lot of hair, but this FREAKED me out!
- I was so lightheaded I had to hold myself up everytime I stood up.
- I peed way more than normal, because I was consuming TOO MUCH protein! (When your body has excess protein it litterally gets rid of it)
- I was sad. All the time. I was still motivated, but it was dwindling, and quick.
Long story short, I got my hormones tested + my other regular levels... turns out I was EXTREMELY low on B12, and needed more vitamin D, and some Iron.
I had to get B12 shots to pump it back into me, just to help me feel better. I am STILL trying to get on top of my B12 level.
- My low level of B12 effected my energy, and fatigue.
- Low vitamin D effected my happiness
- And my low iron is pretty straight forward. No wonder I was getting so light headed.
Today I still take suppliants for all three, and I highly recommend. Even if you have't been checked, in my opinion, the more B12, the more superhuman you can be.
Now, I eat to fuel my brain and my gut. I don't just count calories, I just eat mindfully. I know a slice of cake everyday won't help me achieve my goal, but maybe once a week it will help keep my inner elephant at bay.
I LOVE going to the gym, because I am still growing muscle and getting stronger! AND I am still burning enough calories to work towards the 3,500 calorie deficit a week!
I have energy. I am motivated. I don't just count everything I eat and do! I surround myself with positive habits, and other people who are working towards a similar goal.
One of my favorite places to talk about facing my negative feelings towards eating, is on my private Snapchat story. I share things I eat to help satisfy my cravings, give me energy, and substitutes for the not so healthy things.
Here, I am surrounded by people struggling, succeeding, and just starting. I know I am not the only one who is tempted to eat ice cream every night before bed, and they aren't the only ones either.
I started recording what I eat in a week, and sharing it with the body positivity squad! If you need healthy, easy, and cheap ideas... why not give it a go!
- A FREE weekly meal plan
- An AFFORDABLE weekly grocery list
- Links to healthy recipes I've tried out myself (only suggest the yummy ones!)
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